Sunday, May 24, 2020

Assignment 1.3

I enjoy this picture a lot. First because I am a huge fan of traveling and finding new sights. Mountains and rock formations are easily my favorite sights, and this photograph is just simply some place you would like to see in person. Second is because the landscape is not the only subject of the photograph. The main subject is the person standing on the formations, this really draws a viewer in and makes the photograph that much more interesting.


  1. I'd have to agree, this picture I think is overall very impacting. By having the person standing next to the rock, it gives a good feel of how large this really is. As the viewer, it makes you want to be there and really experience what the rock really feels like in person.

  2. I like this picture because it really adds wonder to the world and reminds me of how small I really am in the scheme of things :)
